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Leadership Survival Tips

How to survive as a leader

There is more to leadership than just holding a title, giving instructions or occupying a noble position. To be an exceptional leader, there are things you must learn and also unlearn. There are skills and mindsets that need to be shaped in you.

Those who don’t understand this end up being incompetent leaders who later self-destruct. Most leaders will tell you, that being a leader isn’t as easy as it appears. It is said, uneasy is the head that wears the crown.

Therefore, let us dive into some of the survival tips you will be needing to not just survive but thrive in any leadership position.

Choosing to acquire every skill and knowledge that makes for good leadership, is the first step towards becoming one. For every one who has chosen to be part of programs such as the Lapid Leaders Africa Experience, your journey has just kicked off.


Your Core Values 

To be able to be an exceptional leader, one needs to understand themselves. You cannot lead people without first leading yourself. Therefore, self-reflection is an important precedent to great leadership. Part of this will entail understanding the core values that you stand on and that drive you.

Your values should be the driving force behind your decision making and leadership style. Values could include peace, family, integrity, excellence, faith, responsibility etc. Your most important values will reflect on how you lead and make decisions.

What is most important to you, young leader? 

Leadership Behaviors 

Additionally, as a leader, your behaviors will be under great scrutiny. You will be closely watched by those who are under you. Your actions will most likely speak louder than your words. You must, therefore, make sure that you are modeling a correct template for others to follow.

As a leader, you should exhibit good quality leadership characteristics. You shouldn’t be worse off than the people you are leading. You shouldn’t be the most unpredictable, unreliable, undisciplined person in your space. Leadership demands accountable behavior.

Behave like a leader.

Act like a leader.

Lead like a leader.

Lead by example.

Be a responsible leader.

Learn how to behave as a leader by

  • Reading leadership related books
  • Watching videos on leadership
  • Studying & following great leaders
  • Joining fellowships and mentorship programs such as Lapid.

These will help you develop the right character and behaviors.


The Skills

To be a good leader, one needs to adequately arm themselves with the correct skills. You will need to learn conflict and time management, among other things.

As a leader, a time will come where you will need to solve different conflicts. Do you know what to do when people disagree?

You will also need to be time conscious and redeem the time. Do not waste the time you have in whatever leadership position you are in. Make the best of it and teach those under you to maximize it as well.

Conflict and time management are learned skills.

You can practice conflict management by:

  • Listening actively
  • Modeling neutral language
  • Agreeing to disagree
  • Being creative
  • Being specific
  • Maintaining confidentiality

Good time management can be developed by:

  • Creating schedules with realistic timelines
  • Prioritizing important tasks and delegating lesser ones
  • Tackling the most difficult task(s) first
  • Using time management tools and apps

A Notable Leader 

Being a leader has its ups and downs. However, if you do not prepare adequately, you will easily self-destruct.

Prepare yourself for the great leadership positions ahead that you want to fill. Equip yourself by understanding yourself and your core values. Learn how to behave as a leader and the skills you will be needing to effectively lead.

On the other side of this, you will be an exceptional leader worthy of mention. Sign up for our self-leadership program today:


Starting Point – Gloria Gathogo

lapidleaderslapidleadersAugust 31, 2024

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