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What did you first do after completing campus?

What did you first do after completing campus?

Well, like most graduates, I was looking out for opportunities and spaces I could plug in. I was at home and was trying to run a small business to get some extra coins, I was applying for different self-development programs. My desire was to do something more productive with my life. 

But often times in that search, we are not even sure whether what we are looking for is what we really want or better still, what we need. It was in this moment of seeking what I really needed that I was introduced to Lapid Leaders Africa by a friend who in my opinion, seemed to be “making it in life and having it all figured out.” 

I took a chance at it and decided to join the program. The journey through the 3 pillars: Lead self, Lead Marketplace, and Lead Africa came with its own dynamics but as I now look back, I would confidently say Lapid was what I needed at such a transitional moment.

Lead Self, allowed me to rediscover who I am, to take charge responsibly and with an understanding that unless I am able to lead myself, I cannot lead others. It gave me a builder mindset, one geared towards not just pointing out problems but solving them and thus birthing impact.

Lead Marketplace gave me practical skills for work and career preparedness: CV writing, interview, and job preparation. The first work opportunity I got was actually a result of the networks I had built, an important attribute I got from this pillar.

Leadership and service were redefined in the Lead Africa pillar. I am now convinced that what Africa needs is not positional leaders or office bearers; Africa needs people who view leadership as an opportunity for impact and transformation.

Joining Lapid has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life this far. And like they say, you never really know what you are missing until you find it. 

I would choose Lapid then and now.  What’s your choice? 



The Africa Experience

lapidleaderslapidleadersAugust 25, 2024

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